A career forum for future energy workers will be held on April 18 in Sofia

The second edition of "Recharge your career" will bring together leading experts, successful businesses and young talents from the renewable energy industry in Bulgaria

The career forum "Recharge your career 2024" is organized for the second year in a row. This is a unique event of its kind in Bulgaria with a focus on opportunities for professional realization in the RES sector. The forum is organized by the Solar Academy Bulgaria Association and M3 Communications Group, Inc.

The event will be held on April 18 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Astoria Grand Hotel in Sofia. Entry is free, but we advise you to pre-register online at https://www.berenewable.org/bg/prezaredi-karierata-si/2024#registracia

The event gathers in one place prominent representatives of the energy sector from the state administration, business, renowned academic institutions, NGOs, investors, experts, as well as ambitious personnel who want to develop in this field. The guests of the event will have the unique opportunity to learn about the real opportunities and career prospects in the most dynamically developing renewable energy sector.

"Recharge Your Career" aims to be the driving force behind the promotion of key partnerships and dialogue between business, education and prospective personnel in the RES industry in Bulgaria. Achieving the EU's 2030 energy and climate targets requires commitment and vision from all sides, and quality staff is a key part of this process. The event seeks not just to talk about these ambitions, but to translate them into action, supporting the creation of long-term and productive partnerships between employers in the sector, relevant national authorities and educational institutions to create high-quality jobs and career opportunities in renewable energy.

Key topics of the forum will be:
The energy transition and education: Key knowledge to achieve the goals in the energy strategy, the advantages of working in this sector and the need for prepared personnel.
The Transition to a Carbon-Neutral Economy: Retraining and Training for the Workforce in High-Carbon Regions.
Success Stories: Young and inspirational figures in renewable energy as role models for the next generations and how to achieve your own success using the benefits and opportunities of working in the sector.
The event provides a unique opportunity for:
Reviewing career prospects - a meeting of leading employers from the RES sector with qualified personnel.
Creation of training partnerships - initiation of partnerships between employers from the RES sector and universities/colleges for quality personnel training.
Establishment of institutional partnerships - creation of long-term partnerships between the RES sector and state institutions to achieve Bulgaria's energy goals.
For additional and up-to-date information, you can follow: https://www.berenewable.org/bg/prezaredi-karierata-si/2024#za-foruma
info@solaracademy.bg or +359 877 83 23 33.


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