They announced the conditions for financing FEC systems for households

The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Bulgaria announced for public discussion a procedure by which households on the territory of the country will be able to benefit from financing for the construction of photovoltaic systems. The project describes the documents required for application, as well as the criteria.

Application conditions

All individuals with Bulgarian or European citizenship or permanent resident status in Bulgaria will have access to the financing program. Applicants must live in their own single-family home or their own home in a multi-family building. The dwelling applied for must be the applicant's main residence and replace an inefficient heat source (stove, boiler, fireplace, etc.) with solid fuel (wood, coal, etc.). Applicants must have no liability for insurance, taxes and fees to the Treasury.

The procedure aims to promote the use of renewable energy in the final consumption of households through access to purchasing equipment for solar installations for hot water and photovoltaic systems for the production of electricity.

The maximum amount of grant funding for a project proposal - solar panels for hot water is up to 100% of the value of the installation, but not more than BGN 1,960.83, and up to 70% of the value of the system, but not more than BGN 15,000 for photovoltaic systems up to 10KW with an electricity storage system.

The total amount of grant funding under this procedure is BGN 59,840,000 – BGN 49,870,000 from the European Union, and BGN 9,970,000 national funding.

Fully electronic submission and subsequent evaluation of proposals through the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism Information System is foreseen.

The draft of the conditions for application and implementation, as well as the annexes to them according to the procedure, has been published for public discussion on this website and in the Information System for the ISUN 2020 Mechanism.

Proposals and comments can be submitted until February 23, 2023 (inclusive) only in the Information System for the ISUN 2020 Mechanism, section "BFP Procedures" - "National Recovery and Resilience Plan", "Public Discussion Procedures".

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